I guess this is why we go to college. I learn something new everyday. This theater class that I am taking is really an interesting class. It's making me think and research about stuff that I never would've looked at before. We are going to be doing an interactive project that tests game theory and especially a certain aspect of game theory called zero sum. Game theory attempts to mathematically capture behavior in strategic situations, in which an individual's success in making choices depends on the choices of others. The specific type of game theory that we are testing is zero sum which
describes a situation in which a participant's gain or loss is exactly balanced by the losses or gains of the other participant or participants. If the total gains of the participants are added up, and the total losses are subtracted, they will sum to zero.
The way zero sum is represented is that the class will be divided up and given a task to find 6 objects. First one to find them all and document them wins. There will only be one A given while the other losing team will be given an F so the A's will balance out with the F's to add to zero. I am really looking forward to this interesting experiment. Also there is an option of going rogue where you can split from your team and gain the A yourself while everyone else fails. HMMMM.... interesting. Well I am looking forward to being a part of this experiment.